
myths perfume

With the industrialization and modern life, the technique of using perfume has brought many curiosities in people’s lives. The art of using fine essences has brought in time the idea that people should be helped to improve their self-image and to want and question their self-confidence when they did not leave behind a gift of […]

Authenticity relationship values

  Authentic means being unique, unique in your own way. Authentic means not deviating from your story. There are many stories opposite to your story, but you choose your own story, the one that assumes your own person. There are times when you stop from time to time throughout your story and ask yourself, «How […]

perfume summer

The seasons are important factors in our lives. They influence our well-being. Fresh out of the cold and long winter nights and gloomy days without too much light, we want to escape the cold. The long-awaited season has begun. In our imagination we associate summer with vacation, relaxation, joy, exploration and high temperatures. And we […]

dance eternity

  We live the feeling of eternity. We’ve known each other for a long time. We always look around us for the change that is happening in front of our eyes. Some look ironic. Others do not want to look around. Few of us see and understand time as a dance of eternity. Some of […]

Just a few curiosities from the history of perfume

  Originally, data show that around 3000 BC the people of ancient Egypt began to use the practice of perfumery. Once upon a time, the perfume that emanated from the burnt incense was used in various ceremonies and funerals. Gradually in those times the elite of ancient Egypt began to use the perfume every day […]

memories us

  I am somewhere far away a part of past memories, and I am just a human who once went through their life. Paradoxically, but there are times when I try to turn time back to fix some things. To be able to meet the same people and change the things lived with them for […]

time elapsed

  With the passing of time we bring to the first plan the interior of us. We look to the soul and learn to protect it. We learn not to hit in silence the words that hurt us. We slip through thoughts and let them move chaotically through nothingness, dissipating. We are in no hurry. We […]

Senden gemischter Messages

Es gibt bedauerlicherweise Situationen in den zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen, wenn wir uns nicht verständlich machen oder die Personen, die uns gegenüberstehen nicht auf derselben Wellenlänge wie wir sind. Wenn die Wörter, die wir nutzen inkongruent zur Körpersprache sind, dann senden wir anderen gemischte Messages und wir können sie so in Schwierigkeiten bringen. Falls die Wörter, die […]