Detached from Reality

On a colorless morning, when the sun was losing its battle with the clouds and the shadows seemed deeper than usual, I woke up in a strange world. A world where sounds seemed to be distorted and colors faded, like an old painting overexposed to daylight. Looking in the mirror, my eyes met the gaze […]

The story of my body

I was born on an autumn day…somewhere in October. I was small and fragile, but full of potential. My first moments in the world were marked by my mother’s gentle touch and my father’s warm voice. I grew up quickly, learning to move, talk and explore the world around me. I knew the joy of […]

The death of a dream

In a distant corner of my soul, a dream lay hidden. A beautiful, colorful, hopeful dream. A dream that accompanied me since I was a child. A dream that inspired and motivated me to move on. My dream was to become a writer. To put down on paper stories that inspire and move people. To […]

A strong man vs. a strong woman

Two  unknown authors have left us two poems about how they see a strong man vs. a strong woman. What does for everyone of us mean to be a strong human? How sensitive can we be in front of others? How vulnerable in the struggle with disease? How much do we wish to show us […]

Parallele Spiegel zwischen dir und mir

Spiegel. Spiegel, in welchen du versuchst dich selbst zu spiegeln, dein Antlitz zu zeigen. Gesichter und vorgestellte Bilder, wovon einige so gut wie gar nicht zu erkennen sind. Über alle ist eine gewisse Zeit verstrichen. Die Zeit hat einen Abdruck auf einigen verstaubten Bildern hinterlassen, die fast an der Grenze der Vergessenheit verblieben sind. Uns […]

Das nennt man Reife

Es gibt einen Tag, der gleich wie jeder andere ist. Ein Tag, an welchem ich begonnen habe zu verstehen, dass das Leben, welches ich führe, genauso ist, wie es geführt werden soll. Dass ich nicht mehr daran denken muss, dass wenn es andere Umstände gegeben hätte, es einen anderen Ablauf gehabt hätte. Ich habe verstanden, […]
