The Millimeter That Saves

There is a place between seasons, an invisible line that only those who know how to look beyond time can recognize. It is that white space, suspended between two realities, where snow falls over gray days without bringing change, where distances are not measured in kilometers but in incomprehensible millimeters. That is where I exist. […]

Fields of Forgetfulness

Over the cold fields of indifference, a heavy fog settles, covering everything with a density of stupidity that tightens the air and suffocates any attempt to breathe the truth. The mountains, silent and distant, hide beyond the horizon line, covered by waves that foam with rage, swallowing everything, like our memories, unfulfilled dreams, and glasses […]

A Fistful of Moments

It is said that time is an illusion, an invisible line that separates the past from the present and the present from the future. But what if time is not a line, but rather a circle, a spiral, a tangled knot of moments that meet and part endlessly? What if every moment lived is, in […]

To Undress Myself

Ever since childhood, I’ve felt that the clothes I wear are just a thin layer behind which something far more fragile and harder to define is hidden. It wasn’t just about skin but about that essence which sometimes trembles on the edge of an unspoken word or an untried gesture. To undress yourself means to […]

Empty Clouds

Sometimes, I draw empty clouds on the sky of my life, believing I can shape them. In a burst of inspiration, I fill these fragile outlines with people, dreams, plans, infinite egos, and above all, poetry. White verses crowd into imprecise spaces until the clouds collapse under their weight, and everything I tried to build […]

Seeking Perfection Among the Shadows of Words

There exists a unique category of people, those explorers of hidden meanings, who wander like madmen through the labyrinth of dots and spaces. They do not seek merely perfect sentences but that fleeting perfection, hidden in the roundness of spoken and unspoken words. It is a path of introspection, of the relentless desire to break […]

New Year, hopes, thoughts

The New Year is like a blank canvas, and I am the artist who can paint any image I desire on it. Sometimes, the colors flow differently than I plan, but it’s precisely from these accidents that the most beautiful things emerge. It’s an invitation to be creative, to explore, to believe that anything is […]

Rediscovering Lost Sensations

Sometimes, we find ourselves searching for answers in the deepest corners of our minds. It’s like trying to rebuild an old puzzle, but the pieces are scattered. Somewhere, there must be an explanation – a starting point. I tell myself I can’t reinvent everything from scratch, yet I keep trying. I talk to those around […]
