Rediscovering Lost Sensations

Sometimes, we find ourselves searching for answers in the deepest corners of our minds. It’s like trying to rebuild an old puzzle, but the pieces are scattered. Somewhere, there must be an explanation – a starting point. I tell myself I can’t reinvent everything from scratch, yet I keep trying.

I talk to those around me, subtly, almost conspiratorially. I ask indirect questions about their own sensations. How did they manage to bury them? Or perhaps they never unearthed them at all? In a way, I’m trying to convince myself that I’m not alone in this.

I tell myself there must be others like me – people awakening, trying to remember what they’ve lost. I nurture my hope with positive projections from the past, from who I was and who I could be. Over time, I’ve realized I’m playing the lead role in a script that keeps rewriting itself. Sometimes it’s confusing, sometimes painful, but it keeps going.

Silence has become a trusted companion. In the quiet, I try to understand. Maybe, eventually, the answers will emerge. Until then, I keep searching.


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