I dare to dream in thoughts spoken in verses without rhyme and rhythm

In the world of my mind, dreams rise into the unknown,
Free words, in verses without rhymes and rhythm are getting lost.
Vague thoughts intertwine, like threads through a labyrinth,
Exploring mysterious, endless depths.

In words without outline, images break out,
They find their echo in my heart, untouched by the wind.
They are faceless memories, dreams born of mystery,
In their embrace, I enter an unseen and sublime universe.

There, time stops and space becomes infinite,
In the heart of my thoughts, the world takes shape in a thousand colors.
The story unfolds in fragments suspended in an eternal,
And I, traveling through this land, lose myself in the depths of inner peace.

There are no rhymes to chain my words,
No rhythm to control them in stable and dignified cadences.
They move at will, in a free and quiet dance,
In a poem with symbols and metaphors, what seeks its meaning through the dance of a rainbow.

Thus I dare to dream in thoughts without rhyme and rhythm,
To let the imagination float in a boundless space.
There, my soul feels at home, embraced by poetry,
In a world of free lyrics, without constraints or barriers.

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