Words…are free

We come with a word.

And, we come through words.

We stay together sometimes because of words.

We are in words.

And sometimes we find ourselves in words.

Words…are the baggage of our entire universe.

Sometimes they are surprisingly sweet.

Other times, disturbingly volcanic.

Through words we sometimes have an asset.

Many times they are the weapon that turns against us.

Words give us wings, lifting us up.

Words bring us down, denigrating us.

In a word we love.

In another we hate.

Words are our precious and free resource.

Through words we discover ourselves.

We use them usefully.

We waste them as a surplus.

We build relationships.

We impress.

We hurt souls.

We heal wounded hearts.

We love or live without costing us anything.

Words outline our way of being.

They shape our thinking.

They shape our soul.

Through words we find peace.

They are our roads to ourselves.

Words are the means of communication.

You can heal with words.

You can destroy with words.

Through words you characterize yourself and define yourself as a personality.

Sometimes we don’t remember the person, but in front of one, what words one used comes to mind.

Note: «Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. » – Rudyard Kipling




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