That meant (for me) 2022

A year full of controversies in which I accumulated… a path that kept me on the line of understanding, tolerance…

I appreciated…seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The problems, the darkness, the restlessness, the states of uncertainty will always be part of me. But thanks to them I appreciated this light at its fair value.

I walked alongside people who believed in me, I appreciated their position towards me and I moved forward every day on my way.

I discovered people who made their way into my life. They gave me an edge and an impetus towards life. I met people with their stories, their feelings…those who left their own activities to support my thoughts and my words.

I appreciate my stubbornness to listen to my soul dedicating a small part of it to writing. Maybe I didn’t write on every occasion that I would have liked here, but I honestly sorted out my thoughts and my anxiety through words.

This year I learned forgiveness, truth and imperfection. I learned that those who were wrong about me are the same as me, neither better nor worse. And once you show them acceptance, you do it without high expectations.

Turning towards myself, I try to resign myself to my «patient» way of being. I got what I wanted. From the outside it seems simple, but I always had a fight with myself and in the end, with a lot of persistence, I regain what is rightfully mine.

I always reminded myself that I have no right to intervene in someone’s experiences without being asked, that unsolicited help can be worse than the lack of it. That all suffering has its purpose. That it is not my role to judge or decide the fight of others.

I lean on life… even if I had losses, even if I had pain and suffering, even if I doubted myself, this year changed my vision and the course of life.

…And in the year that passed, I browsed tab by tab, learning that everything is transient and something always comes in return, that we can’t have it all and that everything depends only on us. I learned that I have to trust in my possibilities and in the fact that it will not always be like this. That I will not stay where I am. Like a road, it always goes forward, just like my gaze.

And the most important thing for me: I don’t give in. Never!


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