In the movie «Scent of a Woman,» there’s an unforgettable scene: the one where the protagonist, played by Al Pacino, invites a young woman to dance. She responds, «I can’t because my fiancé will arrive any moment now.» «In a moment, a whole life can be lived!» he replies, leading her to dance a tango. This brief yet memorable scene contains one of the most beautiful messages of the film: Some people live chasing after time, yet they never catch up, even when they rush faster. For others, time seems to linger and they greedily gaze toward the future, forgetting to live in the present moment—the only time that truly exists. Time is given equally to everyone; no one has more or less than 24 hours a day. The difference lies in what each person does with this time. We must learn to seize every moment!
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