Authenticity: The Truth About Being Yourself

In a world where the pressure to conform and fit into imposed molds can be overwhelming, being authentic to yourself is a precious treasure, a beacon of light in the midst of darkness. Authenticity isn’t just about being different or standing out; it’s about expressing your true nature in every action and word. At the […]

Movie Night July August Movie Night March April May Vicky Cristina Barcelona The Untouchables When Nietzsche Wept

«When Nietzsche Wept» is a film that delves into the abysses of philosophical thought, exploring the psychological depths of the renowned philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The director chooses to offer a glimpse beyond Nietzsche’s public figure, digging deep into the inner world of the man behind the ideas. Structured around the poignant moment when Nietzsche, masterfully […]

Spring Dance

Every year, in the last days of March, nature opens its book and turns it to the pages full of stories of Spring. It’s a magical moment, when the seasons seem to dance in an endless rhythm, when the heat embraces the cold and the rain kisses the sun. These days the air has a […]

Becoming Me: An Essay on Authenticity

Authenticity isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. A winding exploration through the labyrinth of one’s being, filled with mirrors reflecting both familiar and unknown faces. To be authentic is to confront the reflection, embracing both the beauty and flaws that compose it. For me, authenticity has been a lifelong struggle. I’ve worn painted-on smiles, conformed […]

Spring Rediscoveries

In the heart of early March, as the sun gently embraces the earth and the breeze begins to whisper softly, I feel my soul stirring to life. It’s as if nature itself is reminding me that it’s time to bloom again, to emerge from the depths of winter and embrace me with its hopeful warmth […]